negative publicity
- 负面的宣传;负面的报道

The negative publicity forced the company to drop the policy .
The company 's continued use of such dangerous chemicals has attracted a lot of negative publicity .
Negative publicity has also helped to highlight the risks for investors of the reverse merger structure .
This candour is usually rewarded with more negative publicity .
It was the second time in less than a week that bank of East Asia has had to fend off negative publicity .
Third , amid the political controversy and negative publicity , the US banking system has recovered faster than anyone could have imagined .
The Incident should be kept absolute confidential to all team members and the public to eliminate negative publicity of the hotel .
However , the case was later dropped due to uncertainty that the association would win the case and also the negative publicity that it had attracted .
but the negative publicity caused by this ridiculous failure has not helped the airport or the airliners reputation at all .
Goldman declined to comment for this article a sign , perhaps , that the negative publicity is fostering a siege mentality .
Excluding accidents after negative publicity appeared , a disproportionate percentage of US consumer complaints since 2002 of sudden acceleration involved Toyotas .
Take your hatred , your narrow minded views and negative publicity elsewhere and let us find love " even if we find it on the internet .
The incident has brought much negative publicity for Korean Air , which has won plaudits for its level of service despite a series of annual losses .
Faced with all the negative publicity , and a complaint from PwC , Portico announced that it was changing its policy .
And that a potential juror is a white woman who volunteers for a local arts festival and worries about negative publicity for Sanford .
Much of the blame goes to negative publicity on food safety following reports in the Chinese media at the end of 2012 of excessive use of antibiotics by the firm 's suppliers .
Instead , its image has been battered by negative publicity about its frantic last-minute efforts to get ready for an event it knew it was hosting seven years ago .
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration informed a company in Texas of the new requirement but quickly rescinded the advisory in the face of a firestorm of negative publicity .
Dr Alastair Sutcliffe , who worked on the study , said negative publicity surrounding the rise of older mothers was based on the physical risks of pregnancy and childbirth .
Some US-based analysts predicted Toyota was being overly forthright with potential defects , deciding to inspect cars rather than chance the negative publicity of waiting or investigating further .
Research U.S. foreign media strategy cold war early in China and other countries how to develop the media industry , how to resist capitalist cultural osmosis , how to resist negative publicity capitalism on issues of importance .
He 's since been criticised for choosing this moment to come out - and some have accused him of using his sexuality as a shield to deflect the negative publicity the allegations have sparked .
A city official accidentally put some city employees ' private information on a public website , then linked to the site from Twitter , which exposed the workers to potential identity theft and left the city vulnerable to regulatory action , negative publicity and lawsuits .
In 1959 the film was nominated for a Writers ' Guild of America Award but again lost.During the production and release of the movie , Kirk Douglas experienced significant negative publicity and financial loss for his role in the making of such an anti-war film .